Muerte Cruzada and Ecuadorian Democracy

Despite its novelty, the act did not plunge the country into crisis as some critics warned, nor did it mark a death knell for Ecuadorian democracy, as others argued. To the contrary, muerte cruzada acted as a constitutional release valve, helping dissipate popular discontent and providing a democratic exit for an unpopular president who was facing his second impeachment trial and third motion for impeachment in two years.

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Peru is out of the emergency room, but the prognosis remains guarded

The doctor’s orders are now calling for investigations into cases of human rights violations committed during the citizen protests, the suspension of the selection of members of the Constitutional Court until the next Congress is seated in July 2021, and international monitoring and dialogue between stakeholders who are maintaining the current, fragile stability.

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El Perú salió de la sala de emergencias, pero mantiene un pronóstico reservado

Las órdenes del médico ahora piden la investigación de los casos de violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas durante las protestas ciudadanas, la suspensión de la selección de los miembros de la Corte Constitucional hasta que se asiente el próximo Congreso en julio de 2021, y el seguimiento y diálogo internacional entre los actores que están manteniendo la frágil estabilidad actual.

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Why Peru’s soft coup failed 

Notoriously weak political parties are fueling Peru’s chronic instability. But they also stopped Manuel Merino and his allies from uniting to hold onto power. 

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El Desafío Multidimensional de Perú – Parte 1: la crisis política

El Congreso peruano está listo para debatir si volverá a intentar acusar al presidente Martín Vizcarra, poco más de un mes después de que sobreviviera a un primer juicio político. Esta vez, un grupo de legisladores acusó al presidente de aceptar un soborno de USD $ 637.000 de dos empresas que luego se adjudicaron contratos públicos durante el mandato de Vizcarra como gobernador de Moquegua.

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Peru’s Multidimensional Challenge – Part 1: the political crisis

The Peruvian Congress is set to debate whether to again try to impeach President Martin Vizcarra, just over a month after he survived a first impeachment trial. This time, a group of lawmakers accused the president of accepting a bribe of USD $637,000 from two companies that were later awarded public contracts during Vizcarra’s tenure as governor of Moquegua.

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Brasil: carnaval, ministros y héroes

Ante la virtual ratificación de Michel Temer como presidente, surge la pregunta de si su Gobierno bailará al ritmo de la democracia circense o de los escándalos de corrupción que seguirán siendo destapados.

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Latest from Latin Pulse – December 18th

Politics and diplomacy provide the main themes for Latin Pulse this week. The program marks the anniversary of the diplomatic opening between Cuba and the United States with a special interview recorded in Havana. It also follows the complicated corruption scandal in Brazil that has now intersected with the political movement to impeach and unseat President Dilma Rousseff.

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